Why Does Your Basement Leak?
Keep in mind, if your landscaping is leveled, even just one or two inches of rain can travel back to your foundation, seep through the basement walls and cuase your basement to leak. Cleaning up the water in the basement after it rains is one thing, but the lingering dampness, musty smell and damages to a homeowner’s properties that the water leaves behind are what cause the most headaches to the homeowners.
Damp Basement = Mold and Mildew = Allergy
If you have famaly members or small animals allergic to mold and mildew, you will want to pay special attention to the humidity in your basement as well, mold may irritate someone who has allergies, but the number one allergen in a wet basement is in fact the fecals of dust mites. You may ask… How do I prevent or get rid of dust mites in my basement? In order for dust mites to live, they need over 50% of humidity in the air, and there are different ways to control the humidity in the basement, for example, the use of a dehumidifier. There are lots of dehumidifiers proven to work well, but not all dehumidifiers are created equal, and when it comes down to efficiency, an industrialized dehumidifier is always better equiped to handle the job. Sani-Dry Basement Air Systems is a popular one in the market, it is a high-capacity, high-efficiency dehumidifier with air filtration in a single unit. It can take up to 100 pints of water per day out of your house, and move the dry air around your damp basement.
Some people ask if a home dehumidifier can be basement underpinning renovations for every budget a good alternative to an industrialized dehumidifier… The truth is the home humidifiers just don’t do the job, they are simply too small to collect water in your basement or to move dry air around the basement, and do you know they usually don’t automatically drain the water out of your house? Who needs another to-do list when you already have enough on your plate?
So now you ask… All right, I get it, damp basement is bad, but how do I know if I have a damp basement and what can I do about it?
Spot the Damp Basement Signs
First thing to address the damp basement problems is knowing how to spot the signs of a leaking basement. You may need to call the professional waterproofing experts to help you identify the exact cause of leaks in your basement. But before you call a basement waterproofing contractor, educate yourself by learning the warning signs, here are a few signs you should watch out for-
- Water seepage from your basement walls or floors.
- General dampness in your basement.
- Warped paneling or dry rot.
- Cracks in your basement walls or floors.
- Mildew or fungus.
- A musty odor originating from your basement.
- Tile lifting from your basement floor.
- Rust on your furnace or water tank.
- White powder on your basement walls.
- Termites or other insect infestation.
- Peeling paint on your basement walls.
- Buckling or bowing basement walls.
The waterproofing experts are usually pretty good at explaining how a professional basement waterproofing system can give you a dry basement and keep it odor free. But remember, if any contractors give you a quote or basement waterproofing solutions before they even inspect your basement, it’s time to call someone else.